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Lots 61-70 of 219
Lot 185: Cap Inspection
Zalkin / Cognex Cap / Closure Inspection System To include large bin infeed hopper frame and chute - Infeed uplifting conveyor - Zalkin hopper with bowl feeder - Cognex cap / closure inspection system on through feed conveyor, top and bottom camera, reject system - Outfeed conveyor to rotary box packing unit , Loc. Caps
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 187: Feed Unit
Sacmi 'AC 10' Rotary Feed Unit with Blower , Serial No. 5721, (2003), Loc. Closures Print 3
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 188: Feed Unit
Sacmi 'AC 10' Rotary Feed Unit with Blower , Serial No. 5320, (2002), Loc. Closures Print 3
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 189: Inspection System
Sacmi 'CVS001C' Closure Inspection System Stroboscopic light closure inspection - Infeed conveyor - Reject system and outfeed blower chute , Serial No. 10006929, (2003), Loc. Closures Print 3
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 196: Inspection System
Villani / Sacmi '10850 (CVS001E)' Closure Inspection System To include - Uplifting infeed conveyor with blower to waterfall feed runner - Villani / Sacmi cap inspection system - Double reject system and outfeed hopper chute , Serial No. 04092901 (10016355), (2004, 2006), Loc. Closures Print 2
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 199: Cap Print
Tampoprint 'Continua' Continuous 4 Lane Closure Print Machine 4 lane closure tampon print machine with Lauer PCS900 topline midi control panel - Overhead 2 way hopper on infeed - 3 colour print heads (roller type) - Bottom outlet to conveyor , Loc. Closures Print 1
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 204: Scale
Pallet Weigh Scale Platform size 1250 mm x 1250 mm - Digi DC 120 digital readout , Loc. Caps
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 209: Conveyor
BHL Conveyor Technology Plastic Belt Transfer Conveyor Stainless steel framed - Belt size 3600 mm long x 80 mm wide - Powered , Loc. Blow Moulding
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 210: Conveyor
BHL Conveyor Technology Plastic Belt Transfer Conveyor Stainless steel framed - Belt size 3600 mm long x 80 mm wide - Powered , Loc. Blow Moulding
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 211: Conveyor
BHL Conveyor Technology Plastic Belt Transfer Conveyor Stainless steel framed - Belt size 5000 mm long x 80 mm wide - Powered , Loc. Blow Moulding
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet