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Previous 2413 Sale
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Buyer's Premium will be charged at 18.00%.
Value added tax will be charged at 20.00%.
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Lots 211-219 of 219
Lot 419: Ajax Powered Hacksaw
Ajax Powered Hacksaw , Loc. Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 421: Reception Suite
Reception Suite Comprising of 2 x seater leather effect sofa, 2 x 1 seater leather effect arm chairs, 1 x reception desk, 1 x Samsung flat screen tv, 1 x Dragon electric heater, 1 up light, 2 x 3 drawer pedestals, 2 x canvas paintings, 1 x waste bin, 1 x office chair, 1 x wall mounted clock, please note, no I.T equipment Included , Loc. Ground Floor Reception
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 424: Leather Effect Sofas & Coffee Table
Leather Effect Sofas & Coffee Table Comprising of 2 x matching leather effect sofa's, 1 x coffee table, 2 x up lights , Loc. 2nd Floor Waiting Area
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 431: Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer
Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer LCD control panel, Thermal transfer : 5 to 40°c, continous roll media 25 to 76 mm , Serial No. 03J122200112, Loc. Closures
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 432: Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer
Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer LCD control panel, Thermal transfer : 5 to 40°c, continous roll media 25 to 76 mm , Serial No. 03J122600749, Loc. Closures
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 433: Forklift Tipping Skip
Forklift Tipping Skip, 1500 970 x 880mm , Loc. Closures
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 434: Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer
Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer LCD control panel, Thermal transfer : 5 to 40°c, continous roll media 25 to 76 mm , Serial No. 03J122600761, Loc. SoftDrop
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 435: Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer
Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer LCD control panel, Thermal transfer : 5 to 40°c, continous roll media 25 to 76 mm , Serial No. 03J122600780, Loc. SoftDrop
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 436: Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer
Zebra 'S4M' Thermal Printer LCD control panel, Thermal transfer : 5 to 40°c, continous roll media 25 to 76 mm , Serial No. 03J122600757, Loc. SoftDrop
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet