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Lots 121-130 of 219
Lot 295: Bulk Storage Material
140 Ton Capacity' Bulk Storage Material Silo aluminium bulk product storage silo. Size approx 14m high x 4.5m dia with cone bottom, discharge gate, no ladder access. , Loc. rear of site near compressor house
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 296: Bulk Storage Material
90 Ton Capacity' Bulk Storage Material Silo aluminium bulk product storage silo. Size approx 14m high x 3.3m dia with cone bottom, discharge gate and blower unit and ladder access. , Loc. rear of site near compressor house
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 297: Bulk Storage HDPE Material
Braby '86 Ton HDPE Capacity' Bulk Storage HDPE Material Silo aluminium bulk product storage silo. Size 14.77m high x 3.5m dia with cone bottom, gross volume 140 cu/M, bulk density 600 kg/cuM. ladder access. , Loc. At rear of site outside fence
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 298: Bulk Storage HDPE Material
Braby '86 Ton HDPE Capacity' Bulk Storage HDPE Material Silo aluminium bulk product storage silo. Size 14.77m high x 3.5m dia with cone bottom, gross volume 140 cu/M, bulk density 600 kg/cuM. No ladder access. , Loc. At rear of site outside fence
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 301: Air Compressor
Bellis and Morcom 'VH 15 H3N' High Pressure Air Compressor 45 bar pressure - 735 rpm speed - Inc's MTA DE170 HP compressed air dryer , Serial No. 7920, Loc. Leeds
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 304: Pet Test
Ametek Davenport 'PET Plus (01/3440)' Intrinsic Vescosity Test Machine , Serial No. DAV/0209, Loc. Laboratory Inspection
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 305: Pet Test
Perkin Elmer 'AutoSystem XL Arnel' Gas Chromatography Unit Inc's Turbomatrix 16 headspace sampler , Loc. Laboratory Inspection
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 306: Mitutoyo 'BRT-A707 (Euro-A-C-776)' Co-Ordinate Measuring Machine
Mitutoyo 'BRT-A707 (Euro-A-C-776)' Co-Ordinate Measuring Machine Granite bed size 880 mm x 1300 mm - Renishaw PH10T probe head - Renishaw SCR200 probe changer station - Mitutoyo joystick control and setting balls , Serial No. 1262901C, Loc. Laboratory Inspection
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 307: Lab Oven
Hemmings / LTE Walk In Oven 1250W - Overall size 3000 mm x 170 mm x 2400 mm high - Shelves & light , Serial No. 63355, Loc. Laboratory Inspection
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 308: Pump
Grundfos 'NK125-250/236Y1F2AE-SBAQE' High Pressure Water Pump and Motor 96771519P212190002 - Q 501.3 m³/h - H 57 m - n 2900 min/1 - p/t 16/120 bar/Cmax - Motor 132kw type MMG315M-2-65-E , Loc. Yard Chillers
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet