Auction description
Previous 2413 Sale
Buyer's premium
Buyer's Premium will be charged at 18.00%.
Value added tax will be charged at 20.00%.
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Notice to purchasers
Shipping agents
Storage contractors
Exporting/Importing from the UK details
Lots 201-210 of 219
Lot 401: Label Printer & Label Print Station
Zebra 'S4M' Label Printer & Label Print Station Comprising of 1 x Zebra S4M label printer, 1 x Edge 10 flat screen monitor, 1 x bar code reader, 1 x label printer station, please note P.C not Included , Loc. Blow Moulding Dispatch
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 402: Label Printer & Label Print Station
(2) Label Print Station Comprising of 2 x work benches, 1 x label printer station, 1 x chair, 1 x hop up, 1 x Edge 10 flat screen monitor, 1 x HP 1740 flat screen monitor, 1 x bench top granite table, please note P.C not included , Loc. Blow Moulding Dispatch
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 405: Retractable Air Reel
GS 'Zeca' Retractable Air Reel , Loc. Grave Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 406: Granulator
Moreto 'GR 3035' Granulator 400v, 7.5kw, weight 550kg, Sold as spares & repairs , Serial No. 407855, (2004), Loc. Grave Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 407: Swan Neck Slated Belt Conveyor
Swan Neck Slated Belt Conveyor Sold as spares & repairs , Loc. Grave Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 410: Coolmation Three Fan Chiller Unit
Coolmation Three Fan Chiller Unit Sold as spares & repairs , Loc. Grave Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 413: SB06 Swan Neck Conveyor & Hopper
SB06 Swan Neck Conveyor & Hopper Sold as spares & repairs , Loc. Grave Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 415: Record 'No 25' Bench Vice
Record 'No 25' Bench Vice , Loc. Grave Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 416: Eastern 'TS 20' Fork Truck Attachment Tipping Skip
Eastern 'TS 20' Fork Truck Attachment Tipping Skip Capacity 2000kg , Loc. Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 417: Eastern 'TS 20' Fork Truck Attachment Tipping Skip
Eastern 'TS 20' Fork Truck Attachment Tipping Skip Capacity 2000kg , Loc. Yard
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet