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Lots 91-100 of 219
Lot 238: Compressed Air Dryer
Ingersoll Rand 'TMS210' Compressed Air Dryer compressed air dryer. Refrigerant 134A , Serial No. TMS2109608003, Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 255: Air Receiver
Hoval - Farrar Ltd Air Receiver Compressed air receiver, design pressure 22.7 , Serial No. 50280:257, (1984), Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 256: Compressed Air Dryer
Hankison 'HPRD-3' Compressed Air Dryer Compressed air dryer, refrigerant R22(2.27kg) , Serial No. 0344-15-9808-011, (1998), Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 260: High Pressure Air Compressor
NEI Bellis & Morcom 'VH15HBN' High Pressure Air Compressor high pressure compressor, 42bar, 735rpm, with control panel, Denco Mistral air dryer (refrigerant 417A 10kg), & Hoval-Farrar Ltd air receiver (design pressure 47.8bar)(1988) , Serial No. 7667, Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 261: High Pressure Air Compressor
NEI Bellis & Morcom 'VH15N-H3' High Pressure Air Compressor high pressure compressor, 42bar, 735rpm, 160kw motor, with control panel, Denco Mistral air dryer (refrigerant R422D(D29) 10kg), & Hoval-Farrar Ltd air receiver (design pressure 47.8bar)(1987) , Serial No. 7701, Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 262: High Pressure Air Compressor
NEI Bellis & Morcom 'VH15N-H3' High Pressure Air Compressor high pressure compressor, 42bar, 735rpm, 160kw motor, with control panel, Denco Mistral air dryer (refrigerant R422D(D29) 10kg), & Hoval-Farrar Ltd air receiver (design pressure 47.8bar)(1988) , Serial No. 7702, Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 263: Compressed Air Dryer
Dry Energy 'DE109' Compressed Air Dryer compressed air dryer, spare or repair. , Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 264: Pillar Drill
Progress 'No2GS' Pillar Drill 10 speed pedestal drill, 42 to 2470rpm, 13mm/1/2" capacity, rise & fall table. , Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 266: Vacuum
Numatic 'WV750F' Vacuum 1000w industrial vacuum cleaner, 230v, 50/60Hz. , Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 269: Material Granulator
Summit Systems 'N1730 3K SE' Material Granulator plastics granulater, 400v, 50Hz, 3ph, 2.2kw. , Serial No. 031U5200, (2005), Loc. Compressor House
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet