2412 - Engineering and Fabrication Machinery Formerly Used by Anlyn Engineering Limited


L'enchère s'est terminée le

2015-07-28 15:00:00.0

Temps restant

Enchère terminée

'Description de l''enchère'

Location:- These Items are located in Cannock, Cheshire, Sheffield and West Midlands

Please Note: Lot 2B Leadwell V-40L Vertical Machining Centre must be collected on Friday 7th Aug 2015    


Prime d'acheteur

'La prime d''acheteur sera fixée à 16.00%.'


'La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée s''élèvera à 20.00%.'

Temps de consultation

Viewing is available by appointment only with the Auctioneer
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Avis aux acheteurs

Date limite de paiement

2015-07-30 17:00:00.0

'Date limite d''apurement'

2015-08-13 17:00:00.0

'Agents d''expédition'

Sous-traitants pour le stockage

Exporter/Importer des détails du Royaume-Uni

Lots 1-10 de 65

Les enchères seront étendues sur des lots individuels si les enchères sont placées dans les 10 minutes suivant l'heure de fin de l'article.
Preview image
28 juil. 2015 15:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 1: Mazak Type 15/40 CNC Vertical Machining Centre with Mazatrol M-32 Control

Mazak Type 15/40 CNC Vertical Machining Centre with Mazatrol M-32 Control, Table Size 900mm x 400mm.

Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 15:10:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2: Mazak Type 15/40 CNC Vertical Machining Centre with Mazatrol M-2 Control

Mazak Type 15/40 CNC Vertical Machining Centre with Mazatrol M-2 Control, Table Size 900mm x 400mm.

Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 16:30:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2a: XYZ 5000 CNC Bedmill with Proto Trak A.G.E 3 Control

XYZ 5000 CNC Bedmill (Plated as 4000) with Proto Trak A.G.E 3 Control, Table size 1930mm x 355mm, Long Travel (X axis) 1524mm, Cross Travel (Y Axis) 596mm, Vertical Travel (Z axis) 584mm, Spindle 40ISO with 70 – 3600rpm, Main Motor 7.5Kw

Please Note: This Item is located in Sheffield and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 15:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2b: Leadwell V-40L Vertical Machining Centre with Fanuc Oi-MD Control

Leadwell V-40L Vertical Machining Centre with Fanuc Oi-MD Control, Table Size 1120mm x 610mm, X = 1020mm, Y = 635mm, Z = 610mm, 24-Position ATC, 12,000 RPM Spindle, No.40 Spindle Taper, Max Height under spindle 710mm, Cutting time: 48hrs 38mins 49 secs. S/No. L2TACO321 (2015)

Please Note: This Item is located in Cannock.

The purchaser of this machine must remove it from site on Friday 7th August 2015. There will be a loading charge of £400 + VAT to load this machine to a suitable vehicle which will be added to your invoice. (please contact the Auctioneer for further details)

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 16:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2c: Hurco VM1 Vertical Machining Centre with Max Control

Hurco VM1 Vertical Machining Centre with Max CNC Control, 750mm x 350mm Table, 20 ATC, BT30 Spindle, 20,000 RPM Spindle, Spindle Chiller (2006)

Please Note: This machine is located in the West Midlands and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking & Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 16:30:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 3: Harrison Type VS450 CNC Centre Lathe with Fanuc OT Control

Harrison Type VS450 CNC Centre Lathe with Fanuc OT Control, Swing Over Bed 19", Distance Between Centres 60", Indexing Toolpost, 16" 4 Jaw Chuck.

Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 16:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 4: SDMO Type J200K Diesel Generator

SDMO Type J200K Diesel Generator, 200KVA, Sound Pressure 95 dB with Titan 2000 Litre Diesel Tank (2007)

Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

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28 juil. 2015 16:10:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 5: Webster & Benett 36" Vertical Boring Machine

Webster & Benett 36" Vertical Boring Machine, Table Size 36", Max Swing 42", Table to Underside of Ram 19".

Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 16:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 6: Pearson Model 10.5 Hydraulic Guillotine

Pearson Model 10.5 Hydraulic Guillotine, Capacity 10' x ½", Power Back Guage. 120" Squaring Arm, Front Supports. Model No. 4017

Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Preview image
28 juil. 2015 16:10:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 7: Keetona Powered Guillotine

Keetona Powered Guillotine, Capacity 8" x 1/8", Manual Back Gauge

Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Injection Moulding
Rotational Moulding
