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Lots 21-30 of 55
Lot 222: ABB Centrifugal Pump CIP
ABB Centrifugal Pump CIP 7.5kw, stainless Steel Pump, 3 inch inlet
Lot 255: IDC / Sinclair Base Juice Tank
IDC / Sinclair Base Juice Tank 3,500 Ltr 316 stainless Steel single skin tank with Lightnin XLL 300A agitator, 3 inch bottom outlet, Bottom manway, inspection window, lifting eyes, Probe & sample ports
Lot 256: IDC / Sinclair Base Juice Tank
IDC / Sinclair Base Juice tank 3,500 Ltr 316 stainless Steel single skin tank with Lightnin XLL 300A agitator, 3 inch bottom outlet, Bottom manway, inspection window, lifting eyes, Probe & sample ports
Lot 257: IDC / Sinclair Base Juice Tank
IDC / Sinclair Base Juice Tank 3,500 Ltr 316 stainless Steel single skin tank with Lightnin XLL 300A agitator, 3 inch bottom outlet, Bottom manway, inspection window, lifting eyes, Probe & sample ports
Lot 258: IDC / Sinclair Base Juice Tank
IDC / Sinclair Base Juice Tank 3,500 Ltr 316 stainless Steel single skin tank with Lightnin XLL 300A agitator, 3 inch bottom outlet, Bottom manway, inspection window, lifting eyes, Probe & sample ports
Lot 271: Scanima Tetra Spark 3000V Powder Blender
Scanima Tetra Spark 3000V Powder Blender Skid mounted 3,000 Ltr approx. Stainless steel mixing vessel with bottom agitation, top manway, inspection light, T002 additive tank, 14 Alpha Laval Thinktop valves, Siemens Danfoss Mag 1100 Food flowmeter. S/No. T5842810046
Lot 272: Powder blending tank
Stainless Steel Conical Bottom Powder Tank, 2 inch outlet, manway, probe point
Lot 275: Pasilac AVS 7342-12000 Powder blending tank
Pasilac AVS 7342-12000 Powder blending tank 12,000 Ltr 316 stainless steel single skin tank on legs with Jorgen Jorgensen Rapidex agitator, bottom manway, lifting eyes, probe & sample ports, 3 inch bottom outlet, DIA 240 H420 approx. S/No. 4373-6-86
Lot 276: Pasilac AVS 7342-12000 Powder blending tank
Pasilac AVS 7342-12000 Powder blending tank 12,000 Ltr 316 stainless steel single skin tank on legs with Jorgen Jorgensen Rapidex agitator, bottom manway, lifting eyes, probe & sample ports, 3 inch bottom outlet, DIA 240 H420 approx. S/No. 4373-6-86
Lot 382: Alfa Laval Centrifugal Pump MR 200S
Alfa Laval Centrifugal Pump MR 200S 7.5kw, 3" inlet, Stainless steel. S/No. 56263 (2003)