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Buyer's Premium will be charged at 18.00%.
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Lots 11-20 of 55
Lot 172: Alfa Laval MV Buffer Tank 2
Alfa Laval MV Buffer Tank 2 10,000 Ltr 316 Stainless Steel single skin vessel on legs with Lightnin LL110 agitator, 2 inch bottom outlet pipe, lifting eyes, Celsius display, Top manway, sample port, Tank is DIA 220, H425cm. S/No. 136.1320002 (1984)
Lot 191: APV 7341 Powder Mix tank Line 6
APV 7341 Powder Mix tank Line 6 1500 Ltr approx. 316 Stainless steel mixing tank, top manway, Silverson GX107 / 1560 agitator with 7.5kw drive @50Hz , 1445 R/M, 2 inch outlet pipe. S/No. 50108 / 06
Lot 192: Alfa Laval 185A Centrifugal Pump
Alfa Laval 185A Centrifugal Pump 7.5kw @50hz with stainless steel cover, 2 inch inlet, 2900 R/m. S/No. 31438-14595
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 192: Alfa Laval 185A Centrifugal Pump
Alfa Laval 185A Centrifugal Pump 7.5kw @50hz with stainless steel cover, 2 inch inlet, 2900 R/m. S/No. 31438-14595
Lot 193: Centrifugal Pump
Centrifugal Pump Flow rate for water 25 m3 / h, 2 inch inlet pipe
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 193: Centrifugal Pump
Centrifugal Pump Flow rate for water 25 m3 / h, 2 inch inlet pipe
Lot 196: Scanima Mixer 1R2-1500V Integrated Mixing Station
Scanima Mixer 1R2-1500V Integrated Mixing Station 1500 Ltr 316 Stainless steel Mixing tank with bottom agitation, Temp range 0 - 100 degrees Celsius, top manway, tank inspection light. S/No. 5947-02
Lot 216: Mixing Tank
Mixing Tank 150 Ltr 316 Stainless Steel mixing tank on legs with Lightnin HQL .25kw agitator, 2 inch bottom outlet, load cell capable
Lot 217: Mixing Tank
Mixing Tank 600 Ltr 316 Stainless Steel mixing tank with Lightnin ECL-M6L-37 Yr 2015 agitator, 2 inch bottom outlet, lifting eyes
Lot 222: ABB Centrifugal Pump CIP
ABB Centrifugal Pump CIP 7.5kw, stainless Steel Pump, 3 inch inlet