3349 - PM Impianti Automated Flexible Hose Assembly Machines, Manual Swaging/Crimping/Marking Machinery & Equipment previously used by Hydrogomma Srl in the manufacture of flexible hoses for the Oil, Petrol, Compressed Air, Water and Steam Industry


Aukcja zakończyła się dnia

2024-11-19 14:00:00.0

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Please Note: These lots are located in Sulbiate, Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on-site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Premia kupującego zostanie naliczona w wysokości 18.00%.


Stawka VAT wynosi 22.00 %.


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Ostateczna data płatności

2024-11-21 17:00:00.0

Ostateczna data odbioru przedmiotu

2024-12-05 17:00:00.0

Firmy transportowe

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Eksport/Import z Wielkiej Brytanii szczegóły

Przedmioty 1-10 z 25

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 15:40:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 100: PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 17-Station Hose Assembly Line

PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 17-Station Hose Assembly Line (Assemblaggio Tubi DN8), Auto fitting feed via Hoppers, From Reel to Labelling, Light Guard Safety System and PLC Control. 9m l x 5.5m w. S/No. 06437 (2006)

Please Note: This lot is located in Sulbiate, Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on-site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 14:50:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 101: PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 10-Station Hose Assembly Line

PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 10-Station Hose Assembly Line (Assemblagguio Tubi T12/10) Auto fitting feeds via Rumblers, Reef Feed, Light Guard Safety System, Plc Control, Manual Labelling System, Omron Camera Monitoring. S/No. 02151 (2003)

Please Note: This lot is located in Sulbiate, Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on-site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 14:40:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 102: PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali T17-32/16 16-Station Hose Assembly Line

PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali T17-32/16 16-Station Hose Assembly Line (Assemliaggio Tubi 3/4'' / 1'') from Reel to Label, Automatic Fitting Delivery via hoppers, Light guard safety system, PCC Control. S/No. 08551 (2008) 10m length x 5m width

Please Note: This lot is located in Sulbiate, Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on-site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 14:40:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 103: PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 14-Station Hose Assembly Line

PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 14-Station Hose Assembly Line (Assemlaggio Tubi DN8) Reel Fed, Light Guard Safety System, PCC Control, Automatic Fitting Feed Via Hoppers. S/No. 06470 (2006) 6.5m length x 5.5m width

Please Note: This lot is located in Sulbiate, Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on-site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 16:00:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 104: PM Impianti Auto Mazioni Industriali 13-Station Hose Assembly Line

PM Impianti Auto Mazioni Industriali 13-Station Hose Assembly Line (Assemblaggio Tubi DN16) T21/13, Auto fitting feed via hoppers from reel to labelling, Light Guard Safety System, PCC Control. S/No. 06475 (2007) 7.5m length x 5.5m width

Please Note: This lot is located in Sulbiate, Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on-site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 15:40:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 105: PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 11-Station Hose Assembly Line

PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali 11-Station Hose Assembly Line (Assemblaggio Tuisi T18/11) Auto fitting feed via hoppers , reel feed, partial light guard system, PCC Control. S/No. 05388 (2005)

Please Note: This lot is located in Sulbiate, Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on-site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 14:00:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 107: Recessed Blade Flexible Hose Cutting Saw, Possibly O&P Brand, 300mm Cutting Blade

Recessed Blade Flexible Hose Cutting Saw, Possibly O&P Brand, 300mm Cutting Blade

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 15:10:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 108: PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali Hose Shear Unit

PM Impianti Automazioni Industriali Hose Shear Unit (Taglierina -G.A.33) Auto Length Feed, Foot Pedal, PCC Control. S/No. 03178 (2003)

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 15:00:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 109: Finn Power CC24 Hose Swaging Machine

Finn Power CC24 Hose Swaging Machine (CC24 UC20) Hydraulic Powered, 10-61mm Capacity, Digital Control, Swaging Force, 1300kw. S.No. 1.2-0100008764 (2017)

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Kończy się:
19 lis 2024 14:40:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 110: Mozzi Francesco HP4 Hydraulic Swaging/Crimping Unit

Mozzi Francesco HP4 Hydraulic Swaging/Crimping Unit with PLC Control, Touch screen display. S/No. 0013 (1998)

Injection Moulding
Rotational Moulding
