3247 - Special Coated Paper/Film for Label and Packaging Industry and Special Paper/Film Reels


Aukcja zakończyła się dnia

2023-12-07 15:00:00.0

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Aukcja zakończona

Opis aukcji

Please note when bidding: The description used for these lots have been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: These lots are located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities available on-site dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

Premia kupującego

Premia kupującego zostanie naliczona w wysokości 18.00%.


Stawka VAT wynosi 22.00 %.


Viewing will be available by appointment only. Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com to arrange a mutually convenient time.

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Ostateczna data płatności

2023-12-11 17:00:00.0

Ostateczna data odbioru przedmiotu

2023-12-20 17:00:00.0

Firmy transportowe

Firmy magazynowe

Eksport/Import z Wielkiej Brytanii szczegóły

Przedmioty 81-90 z 413

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 16:50:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 336: Rayophane 645E725 Trasp. 45

Rayophane 645E725 Trasp. 45, L9997m, w1020mm, 10198sqm, 658kgs

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 17:10:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 337: PE Bianco Lucido 120

PE Bianco Lucido 120, L353m, w1520mm, 9656sqm, 1050kgs

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 17:10:00 GMT
Pozostały czas:
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Przedmiot 338: Stardream Opal WS 90

Stardream Opal WS 90, L100m, w1520mm, 152sqm, 844kgs

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 16:10:00 GMT
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Przedmiot 339: Italcart Embossed Laid Blanc 90 HWA Bianca CR 80

Italcart Embossed Laid Blanc 90 HWA Bianca CR 80, L56m, w1000mm, 56sqm

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 16:40:00 GMT
Pozostały czas:
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Przedmiot 340: PPL Trasparente 58MY

PPL Trasparente 58MY, L740m, w1520mm, 1125sqm, 573kgs

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 16:40:00 GMT
Pozostały czas:
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Stawka VAT:

Przedmiot 341: PPL Trasparente 58MY

PPL Trasparente 58MY, w1520mm, 557kgs

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 16:40:00 GMT
Pozostały czas:
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Stawka VAT:

Przedmiot 342: ItalpplTrasp 60 TC -IT9900/6-SIL.PET 30

ItalpplTrasp 60 TC -IT9900/6-SIL.PET 30, L500m, w1390mm, 695sqm

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 16:00:00 GMT
Pozostały czas:
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Premia kupującego:
Stawka VAT:

Przedmiot 343: Siliphan S36 M74F

Siliphan S36 M74F, L1345m, w1530mm

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 16:00:00 GMT
Pozostały czas:
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Premia kupującego:
Stawka VAT:

Przedmiot 344: Polyart Amper Evident 60GR 1C

Polyart Amper Evident 60GR 1C, L1682m, w1020mm, 1716sqm, 399kgs

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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Kończy się:
07 gru 2023 17:10:00 GMT
Pozostały czas:
Licytacja zakończona
Premia kupującego:
Stawka VAT:

Przedmiot 345: Nikla Select 80 GR FSC Mix credit

Nikla Select 80 GR FSC Mix credit, L7806m, w1520mm, 11865sqm, 1240kgs

Please note when bidding: The description used for this lot has been taken from the information printed on label in the photograph. We cannot verify the accuracy of the information in the description and therefore recommended that the bidder inspects the goods prior to bidding.

Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

Injection Moulding
Rotational Moulding
