2536 - Late & Modern CNC Machine Tools & Other Associated Equipment previously used By Facts Precision Ltd


Aukcja zakończyła się dnia

2016-10-27 15:00:00.0

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Please Note: These Lots are located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Stawka VAT wynosi 20.00 %.


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Ostateczna data płatności

2016-10-31 17:00:00.0

Ostateczna data odbioru przedmiotu

2016-11-10 17:00:00.0

Firmy transportowe

Firmy magazynowe

Eksport/Import z Wielkiej Brytanii szczegóły

Przedmioty 11-20 z 86

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 16:40:00 BST
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Przedmiot 3: Yamazaki Mazak VTC-200C Vertical CNC Machine

Yamazaki Mazak VTC-200C Vertical CNC Machine, 1660mm x 510mm x 510mm, Twin Tool Turrets 24 & 24 and Partition Wall for Pendulum Machining, 40 Taper Spindle, Auto Tool Changer with Mazatrol Fusion 640M Rammer, Cromar Swarf Filler, 280 hours, Accumulated 3089, Cut 8376, S/No. 145024 (2000)

Please Note: The 4th Axis Unit shown in the photographs is not included with this lot, it is being sold as a seperate item.

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 15:50:00 BST
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Przedmiot 3A: Kitagawa Auto dex 4th Axis PE-BOX-ME

Kitagawa Auto dex 4th Axis PE-BOX-ME, S/No. 98098057A (11/2001)
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 15:10:00 BST
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Przedmiot 3B: Kitagawa Auto dex 4th Axis PE-BOX-ME

Kitagawa Auto dex 4th Axis PE-BOX-ME, S/No. 980980302 (2000)

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 17:40:00 BST
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Przedmiot 4: Yamazaki Mazak VTC-20C Vertical CNC Machine

Yamazaki Mazak VTC-20C Vertical CNC Machine, 1660mm x 510mm x 510mm, Twin Tool Turrets 24 & 24 and Partition Wall for Pendulum Machining 40 Taper Spindle, Auto Tool Changer with Mazatrol M Plus Digital Readout, Cromar Swarf Filler, 24-Part Tool Chancer, Guards and Door, S/No.143790 (1999)

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 16:50:00 BST
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Przedmiot 5: Doosan Puma TT1800SY CNC Turning Centre

Doosan Puma TT1800SY CNC Turning Centre 9000kg with Fanuc Series 18i- TB Control, Mills CNC, LNS Turbo Swarf Remover, Swarf Bin, 7287 hours, S/No. PT18 SY 0385 (2010). Hydrafeed MX-1B Multifeed CNC Barfeed, S/No. 5859, Eppinger Preciflex BMT55P Adapter Set and Case.

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 16:20:00 BST
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Przedmiot 6: Doosan Puma TT1800SY CNC Turning Centre

Doosan Puma TT1800SY CNC Turning Centre7800kg with Fanuc Series 18i- TB Control, Mills LNS Turbo Swarf Removal and Swarf Bin, 10486 hours, S/No. DT18 SY 0276 (2007), Hydrafeed MX-IB Multifeed, S/No. 5778. Eppinger Preciflex BMT55P Adapter Set and Case.

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 15:50:00 BST
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Przedmiot 8: Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-11 MSY CNC Lathe

Mazak Quick Turn Nexus 200-11 MSY CNC Lathe with Mazatrol Matrix Nexus Control, Mazak Voice Adviser, Cromar Swarf Removal System, Swarf Bin, PW 33537, Auto Cut 7728, Total Cut 3783 S/No. 207213 (2008). Hydrafeed MX-113Multifeed CNC Barfeed. S/No. 5792 and Hydra Feed Transporter TRN, S/No. 5803.

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 15:50:00 BST
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Przedmiot 9: Mazak Super Quick Turn 200 MSY CNC Lathe

Mazak Super Quick Turn 200 MSY CNC Lathe with Mazatrol 640T PC-Fusion-CNC, SQT-200MSY, 5700kg S/No. 156341 (2002), Hydrafeed 3-80N Multifeed, S/No. 4689 (2002)

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 16:00:00 BST
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Przedmiot 10: Mazak Super Quick Turn 200M CNC Lathe

Mazak Super Quick Turn 200M CNC Lathe, 4850kg, with Mazatrol640T PC-Fusion- CNC Control, SQT-200M, S/No. 155056 (2001) Hydrafeed ML1B Multifeed, Short Magazine, CNC Barfeed, S/No. 004367.

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

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Kończy się:
27 paź 2016 15:40:00 BST
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Przedmiot 11: Mazak Super Quick Turn 200M CNC Lathe

Mazak Super Quick Turn 200M CNC Lathe, 4850kg with Mazatrol 640T PC-Fusion- CNC Control, SQT-200M S/No. 155055 (2001), Hydrafeed ML1B, Multifeed, Short Magazine, CNC Barfeed, S/No. 004368

Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Injection Moulding
Rotational Moulding
