3179B - Large Quantity of Paper and Film formerly used by Italnastri S.r.l.- Auction Postponed – New Date to be advised and Stock being added
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Auction Postponed – New Date to be advised and Stock being added
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified.
Offers considered by Private Negotiation.
Please Note: These lots are located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities available on-site dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Premio dell'acquirente
Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 18.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 22.00%.
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Viewing will be available by appointment only. Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com to arrange a mutually convenient time.
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Lotti 1-10 di 77
Lotto 201: Chromolux White WS 80GR FSC Mix Cred Paper
Chromolux White WS 80GR FSC Mix Cred Paper, Quantity Square Metres, 7.621,44, Length 6460mm, Square Metre 6589, Width of Reel 1020, Weight 756kg, Codice Number (3028038)
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 202: MH9084 Premium Opac Paper
MH9084 Premium Opac Paper, Quantity Square Metres 2917,20, Length 2860mm, Weight 2917kg, Square Metre 2917, Width of Reel 1020mm. Codice Number (3035301)
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 204: Protected thermal 70 GR Trattamento Ross Paper
Protected Thermal 70 GR Trattamento Ross Paper, Width of the Reel 1520, Length 9119mm, Weight 13860kg, Square Metre 13860, Quantity Square Metres 13.860,88. (Codice Number 3021139)
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 205: Carcoat OB 60 2016 Paper
Carcoat OB 60 2016 Paper, Width of Reel 1520, Quantity Square Metres 25.709,28, Length 12300mm, Weight 1130kg, Square Metre 12300.
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 206: Adicar WS Matt 90F Paper
Adicar WS Matt 90F Paper, Width of Reel 1530, Quantity in Square Metres 1530, Weight 1964kg, Length 9835mm, Square Metre 15049.
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 207: UPM Fimesse Polished 9 0GSM FSC Mix Credit Paper
UPM Fimesse Polished 9 0GSM FSC Mix Credit Paper, Width of the Reel 1520, Length 11630mm, Weight 17677kg, Square Metre 17677, Quantity Square Metres 17.677,60.
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 208: Aquilela White WS90 EX FSC. Mix Credit Paper
Aquilela White WS90 EX FSC. Mix Credit Paper, Width of Reel 1540, Weight 9394kg, Length 6100, Square Metre 9394, Quantity Square Metres 9.394,00. (Codice Number 3048158)
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 209: 100% Cotton S115GR Paper
100% Cotton S115GR Paper, Width of The Reel, 1520mm, Weight 739kg, Length 4060mm, Square Metre 6171, Quantity Square Metres 6.171,20.
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 210: Polished Silver 72gr FXC Mix Credit Paper
Polished Silver 72gr FXC Mix Credit Paper, Width of Reel, 1520mm, Weight 933kg, Length 8520mm, Square Metre 8364, Quantity Square Metre 14.709,04. (Codice Number 3039541)
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotto 211: Adicar Matt 73 FSC M Paper
Adicar Matt 73 FSC M Paper, Width of Reel, 1520mm, Quantity Square Metres 28.291,76 (Codice Number 3035054)
Please Note: Quantity needs to be verified
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities on site. Dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.