2762A - Short Notice Sale: Large Qty of Inspection Equipment and Ancillaries
Asta conclusa il
Tempo residuo
Descrizione asta
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester. Dismantling and loading is available on site, please see each individual lot for the charge. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Premio dell'acquirente
Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 16.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 20.00%.
Date ispezioni
Viewing will be available by appointment only with the Auctioneer. Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com
* Nota Bene: - Qualsiasi traduzione uttilizzando ''Google Translate'' non è garantita come una traduzione accurata ed è solo a scopo di guida. La descrizione principale del lotto è in inglese ed e data a migliore conoscenza del banditore. Tuttavia, la precisione non è garantita e deve essere verificata dall'acquirente prima di fare offerte.
Avviso ai compratori
Termine ultimo pagamento
Termine ultimo ritiro
Squadre per il carico
Dettagli Esportazione/importazione dal UK
Lotti 11-20 di 88
Lotto 209: Dialtest Dial Bore Set
Dialtest Dial Bore Set (incomplete - sold as is)
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 210: Dialtest Dial Bore Set
Dialtest Dial Bore Set
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 211: HSW Endoscope
HSW Endoscope
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 212: Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 213: Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 214: Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 215: Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 216: Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 217: Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Mitutoyo 21DZA081 Extension Rod
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.
Lotto 218: Mitutoyo Surftest 401 & 402
Mitutoyo Surftest 401 & 402
Please Note: This Lot is located in Pershore, Worcester.