2629 - CNC & Conventional Toolroom Equipment no longer required due to the restructuring of CJ Engineering Ltd
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Please Note: These Items are located in Tamworth and Burntwood. Please see individual lots for location and loading facilities.
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Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 16.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 20.00%.
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Viewing will be available by appointment only with the Auctioneer. Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com
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Dettagli Esportazione/importazione dal UK
Lotti 61-66 di 66
Lotto 61: Granite Table Mounted on Stand
Granite Table Mounted on Stand, 48" X 36" Capacity
Please Note: This Lot is Located in Burntwood and will be loaded free of charge to a Suitable Vehicle. Blocking and Securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 62: LNS Hydrobar Sprint S2 5m CNC Bar Feed
LNS Hydrobar Sprint S2 5m CNC Bar Feed. S/No. 1614 (1994)
Please Note: This Lot is Located in Tamworth and will be loaded free of charge to a Suitable Vehicle. Blocking and Securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 63: Global Cutting Technologies GCT15 Clicking Press
Global Cutting Technologies GCT15 Clicking Press. S/No. 7213 (2009)
Please Note: This Lot is Located in Tamworth and will be loaded free of charge to a Suitable Vehicle. Blocking and Securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 64: Bridgeport 500 X Vertical Machining Centre
Bridgeport 500 X Vertical Machining Centre, Heidenhain TNC 530, Table size 33" x 14", 16 Station ATC. S/No. 723482 (2003)
Please Note: This Lot is Located in Tamworth and will be loaded free of charge to a Suitable Vehicle. Blocking and Securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 65: Colchester Tornado 80 CNC Lathe
Colchester Tornado 80 CNC Lathe with Tornado Multisam Bar Feed, Fanuc 21T Control, Tooling, Manuals. S/No. T80227 (1997)
Please Note: This Lot is Located in Tamworth and will be loaded free of charge to a Suitable Vehicle. Blocking and Securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 66: Wickman OPG with Cylindrical Grinding Attachment
Wickman OPG with Cylindrical Grinding Attachment, Acu Rite 111, 2 Axis Digital Read Out. S/No. 690362
Please Note: This Lot Is Located in Burntwood and will be loaded free of charge to a Suitable Vehicle. Blocking and Securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.