2556 - Engineering and Fabrication Machinery for Sale on Behalf of Retained Clients
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Please Note: Lot 13 is located in Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne, has been dismantled for loading and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Please Note: Lot 29 is located in Sheffield and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Please Note: Lot 31 is located in Accrington, unfortunately there are no loading facilities on-site. Blocking and Securing will be at the cost of the purchaser. This lot must be removed from site by 8th February 2017.
Please Note: All other lots are located in Hyde, Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Premio dell'acquirente
Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 16.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 20.00%.
Date ispezioni
Viewing is available by appointment only with the Auctioneer
Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com
* Nota Bene: - Qualsiasi traduzione uttilizzando ''Google Translate'' non è garantita come una traduzione accurata ed è solo a scopo di guida. La descrizione principale del lotto è in inglese ed e data a migliore conoscenza del banditore. Tuttavia, la precisione non è garantita e deve essere verificata dall'acquirente prima di fare offerte.
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Dettagli Esportazione/importazione dal UK
Lotti 71-75 di 75
Lotto 75: HOPKINS Pedestal Mounted Disk Face Grinder
HOPKINS Pedestal Mounted Disk Face Grinder, 14" Diameter, Tilting Work Table 18" x 12", 1Hp Motor.
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hyde, Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 76: BUCK & HICKMAN Wet Tool Grinder
BUCK & HICKMAN Wet Tool Grinder, Wheel Size 20" x 4", Max Capacity 28" Disk.
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hyde, Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 77: JKO Bench Type Laminate Saw Type BSP160
JKO Bench Type Laminate Saw Type BSP160, Single Phase.
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hyde, Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 78: DCE TYPE DX7 Dust Extractor
DCE TYPE DX7, Dust Extractor, 450 x 450 x 840mm High, Wood Only, Single Phase.
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hyde, Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 79: DCE Dust Extractor Type DX7
DCE Dust Extractor Type DX7, 450 x 450 x 840mm High, Wood Only, Single Phase.
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hyde, Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.