2536A - Inspection Equipment, Tooling and other Ancillary Items previously used By Facts Precision Ltd
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Please Note: These Lots are located in Fife, Scotland. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site. Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
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Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 16.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 20.00%.
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Dettagli Esportazione/importazione dal UK
Lotti 41-50 di 126
Lotto 141: Various Micrometers and Gauges
Various Micrometers and Gauges, Pair of Various Micrometers
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 142: Select E81 Tungston Carbine Select Gauge Set
Select E81 Tungston Carbine Select Gauge Set, Box Tungston
Carbide Slip Thread Wire
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 143: Pair of Gauge Stands with Mitutoyo Absolute Data Measure
Pair of Gauge Stands with Mitutoyo Absolute Data Measure plus
Mercer Dial Reader,
Federal Snap Gauge with IDS-207 Dial Reader, Mitutoyo 543
Digimatic Indicator
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 144: Pair of Gauge Stands with Mitutoyo Absolute Data Measure
Pair of Gauge Stands with Mitutoyo Absolute Data Measures,
Verdict Jewelled Dial
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 145: Pair Marposs E18 Analogue Deviation Measuring Units
Pair Marposs E18 Analogue Deviation Measuring Units, Schott KL
1500 Electronic LCD
Fibre Optic Light Source
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 146: Millitron Meter
Millitron Meter
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 147: Mitutoyo SJ 400 Surface Tester and Printer/Reader
Mitutoyo SJ 400 Surface Tester and Printer/Reader
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 148: Mitutoyo ID.F150E Linear Gauge
Mitutoyo ID.F150E Linear Gauge 2.00005 (50 8-001mm), Granite
Inspection Block 12” x
12”, Meiji EM2 Microscope with FL-150 Fibre Optic Lite
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 148A: Meiji EMZ Microscope
Meiji EMZ Microscope and FL150 Fibre Optic Lite Source
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lotto 149: Granite Surface Inspection Table 36” x 24”
Granite Surface Inspection Table 36” x 24”
Please Note: This Lot is located in Fife, Scotland.
Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available on site.
Dismantling & Loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.