2248E - Cranes, Inspection Equipment, Compressors & Miscellaneous Equipment previously used by Aeroform Industries Ltd (previously known as BHW Components Ltd) in the Manufacture of Aerostructures & Aerospace Components
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Location:- These Items are located in Wigan
Please click here to view a brochure for this auction
Clearance Dates - Due to the Christmas break the removal dates for these items will be as follows:
Up until Thursday 19th December 2013
and then from:
6th January 2014 to 31st January 2014
(There will be no clearance on site between 20th December 2013 and 5th January 2014 Inclusive)
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Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 15.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 20.00%.
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Viewing by Appointment only with the Auctioneer, please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424
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Dettagli Esportazione/importazione dal UK
Lotti 11-20 di 48
Lotto 308: Mitutoyo Wizhard Hardness Tester
Mitutoyo Wizhard Hardness Tester. S/No. 211159
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 308A: Mitutoyo Wizhard Hardness Tester
Mitutoyo Wizhard Hardness Testers. S/No. 211085
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 309: Identec Zwick Roell ZHV Type 6030CKV Hardness Tester
Identec Zwick Roell ZHV Type 6030CKV Hardness Tester . S/No. 114172 (2011)
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 310: DMG (Denison Mayes) 25Kn Capacity Tensile Tester
DMG (Denison Mayes) 25Kn Capacity Tensile Tester with PLC Control
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 311: Akashi Wizhard HR521 Hardness Testing Machine
Akashi Wizhard HR521 Hardness Testing Machine with Mitutoyo Control. S/No. 80372
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 312: Sigma Hardness Tester
Sigma Hardness Tester
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 313: Image 9030 Inkjet Coder
Image 9030 Inkjet Coder. S/No. 6280599A (2006)
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 314: Image 9030 Inkjet Coder
Image 9030 Inkjet Coder. S/No. 6280598A (2006)
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 315: Image 9030 Inkjet Coder
Image 9030 Inkjet Coder. S/No. 6280600A (2006)
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan
Lotto 316: Pryor 2068 Marking Machine
Pryor 2068 Marking Machine. S/No. 003571 (2000)
Please Note: This Item is located in Wigan