2093 - Due to Major Investment, Quality Web Offset Presses & Finishing Equipment no longer required by York Mailing Limited
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These Items are located in Northampton, Scarborough and York
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Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 15.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 20.00%.
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Dettagli Esportazione/importazione dal UK
Lotti 31-40 di 100
Lotto 23: Vacuumatic Viscount ‘Disc’ Automatic Sheet Counting Machine
Vacuumatic Viscount ‘Disc’ Automatic Sheet Counting Machine. S/No. 22321 (2008)
Please Note: This Item is located in Northampton
Lotto 24: Vacuumatic Viscount ‘Disc’ Automatic Sheet Counting Machine
Vacuumatic Viscount ‘Disc’ Automatic Sheet Counting Machine. S/No.22322(2008)
Please Note: This Item is located in Northampton
Lotto 25: Vacuumatic Viscount ‘Disc’ Automatic Sheet Counting Machine
Vacuumatic Viscount ‘Disc’ Automatic Sheet Counting Machine. S/No. 19432 (2002)
Please Note: This Item is located in Northampton
Lotto 26: Harris Graphics Compensating Counter Stacker
Harris Graphics Compensating Counter Stacker
Please Note: This Item is located in Northampton
Lotto 29: Burhrs Type BB300 Eight Station Envelope Inserting Machine
Burhrs Type BB300 Eight Station Envelope Inserting Machine. S/No.901349 with (7) Inserters (2001)
Please Note: This Item is located in York
Lotto 30: Rotek Model 900PA Pile Turning Machine
Rotek Model 900PA Pile Turning Machine S/No 4049889.
Please Note This Item is Located in Northampton.
Lotto 31: MBO Model ASP66 Mobile Stream Delivery Unit
MBO Model ASP66 Mobile Stream Delivery Unit S/No 940515017.
Please Note This Item is Located in Northampton
Lotto 32: MBO Model ASP66 – 2ME Mobile Stream Delivery
MBO Model ASP66 – 2ME Mobile Stream Delivery S/No 86010305.
Please Note This Item is Located in Northampton.
Lotto 33: MBO Model B26 – 3 – 15/4 Four Plate Folding Unit
MBO Model B26 – 3 – 15/4 Four Plate Folding Unit S/No PO9/71. Please Note This Item is Located in Northampton.
Lotto 34: MBO Model B123 - 2 – 23/4 Four Plate Folding Unit
MBO Model B123 - 2 – 23/4 Four Plate Folding Unit S/No 505/100.
Please Note This Item is Located in Northampton.