3326 - Battenfeld Gloenco Cast Film Extrusion Machinery & Ancillaries no longer required by a Leading Flexible Packaging Manufacturer


L'enchère s'est terminée le

jeudi 25 juil. 2024 at 03:00PM (BST)

Temps restant

Enchère terminée

'Description de l''enchère'

Please Note: These lots are located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and have been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

These lots are subject to a deferred collection period.

Prime d'acheteur

'La prime d''acheteur sera fixée à 18%.'


'La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée s''élèvera à 20%.'

Temps de consultation

Viewing will be available by appointment only. Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com to arrange a mutually convenient time.

L'acheteur sera responsable à ses frais de déconnecter, démonter et retirer les articles achetés du lieu de vente aux enchères. Si l'acheteur a l'intention d'exporter des articles achetés lors de la vente aux enchères, il sera responsable à ses frais de garantir le respect de toutes les conditions d'exportation du Royaume-Uni et l'obtention de toutes les licences d'exportation applicables.

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* Remarque : Toute traduction effectuée à l'aide de Google Traduction n'est pas garantie en tant que traduction exacte et n'est fournie qu'à titre indicatif. La description du lot en anglais est la description prédominante et bénéficie de la meilleure connaissance du commissaire-priseur. Cependant, l'exactitude n'est pas garantie et doit être vérifiée par l'acheteur avant d'enchérir.

Avis aux acheteurs

Date limite de paiement

29 juil. 2024 at 17:00 (BST)

'Date limite d''apurement'

8 août 2024 at 17:00 (BST)

'Agents d''expédition'

Sous-traitants pour le stockage

Exporter/Importer des détails du Royaume-Uni

Lots 1-10 de 13

Les enchères seront étendues sur des lots individuels si les enchères sont placées dans les 10 minutes suivant l'heure de fin de l'article.
Preview image
26 juil. 2024 02:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 1B: Spare & Unused Cloreren V-Block

Spare & Unused Cloreren V-Block

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

Preview image
25 juil. 2024 22:20:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 1J: Battenfeld Gloucester 90mm dia Extruder

Battenfeld Gloucester 90mm dia Extruder, 30:1 LD Twin Helix with Screen Changer (2000)

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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25 juil. 2024 20:10:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 1L: Battenfeld Gloucester 70mm dia Extruder

Battenfeld Gloucester 70mm dia Extruder, 30:1 LD Twin Helix with Screen Changer (2000)

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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26 juil. 2024 04:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 1N: Battenfeld Gloucester Twin-Roll Cast/Cooling

Battenfeld Gloucester Twin-Roll Cast/Cooling x 700mm dia Section (2000), Eurotherm Scanner (Please Note: For convenience of sale, the Krypton 85 sources are not included)

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

Preview image
26 juil. 2024 05:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2G: Excelsior Cast Line Control System

Excelsior Cast Line Control System, Switchgear

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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25 juil. 2024 19:20:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2J: Battenfeld Gloenco 90mm dia Extruder

Battenfeld Gloenco 90mm dia Extruder, 30:1 LD Twin Helix with Nordson EH-35 Slide Plate Screen Changer (Fitted 2018)

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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25 juil. 2024 19:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2L: Battenfeld Gloenco 90mm dia Extruder

Battenfeld Gloenco 90mm dia Extruder, 30:1 LD Twin Helix with Nordson EH-35 Slide Plate Screen Changer (Fitted 2018)

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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26 juil. 2024 04:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2M: Cloreren Epoch Design Die & Feedblock

Cloreren Epoch Design Die & Feedblock with Temperature Controlled Deckles & Supporting Gantry

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

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25 juil. 2024 22:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2N: Battenfeld Gloenco Twin-Roll Cast/Cooling

Battenfeld Gloenco Twin-Roll Cast/Cooling x 500mm dia Section

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

Preview image
25 juil. 2024 22:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 2O: Thermofisher L400 Scanning Frame

Thermofisher L400 Scanning Frame (Installed 2017) (Please Note: For convenience of sale, the Krypton 85 sources are not included)

Please Note: This lot is located in Cerreto d'Esi, Ancona, Italy and has been dismantled for convenience of sale. For electrical disconnection, it has not been possible to match/mark cables. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.

Injection Moulding
Rotational Moulding
