3117 - Wind Turbine Tower Manufacturing & Fabrication Machinery
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'Description de l''enchère'
Location: These lots are located in Campbeltown, Scotland.
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'La prime d''acheteur sera fixée à 10.00%.'
'La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée s''élèvera à 20.00%.'
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Sous-traitants pour le stockage
Exporter/Importer des détails du Royaume-Uni
Lots 31-40 de 209
Lot 34: Certex 150 ton Lifting J Hook
Certex 150 ton Lifting J Hook. Serial No. 902588/01 (2017)
Lot 35: Certex 150 ton Lifting J Hook
Certex 150 ton Lifting J Hook. Serial No. 902588/02 (2017)
Lot 36: Certex 30 ton Lifting C Hook
Certex 30 ton Lifting C Hook. Serial number 218538 01. New 2010
Lot 37: Certex 30 ton Lifting C Hook
Certex 30 ton Lifting C Hook. Serial number 218537 01. New 2010
Lot 38: J Hook and Trolley
J Hook and Trolley (Ref 807)
Lot 39: Compressed Air System
Compressed Air System comprising: 2: HPC Kaeser Sigma ASK32 Package Screw Compressors - Serial No. 1927 and 1924 (2011) HPC TCH 22 Dryer Unit - Serial No.1063 Vertical Welded Steel Air Receiver
Lot 40: MITRE SDF40 Holding and Reconditioning Flux Oven
MITRE SDF40 Holding and Reconditioning Flux Oven
Lot 42: CE Centraction Model M40 4kW Portable Dust Extraction Unit
CE Centraction Model M40 4kW Portable Dust Extraction Unit Serial No.14000640006
Lot 50: NIlfisk Model T40w 4kW Portable Extraction Unit (2016)
NIlfisk Model T40w 4kW Portable Extraction Unit (2016)
Lot 51: A ; N Model PR 30 Rotator and Idler Set
A ; N Model PR 30 Rotator and Idler Set