2583 - Large Quantity of Miscellaneous Tooling, Phase 2


L'enchère s'est terminée le

2017-04-12 15:00:00.0

Temps restant

Enchère terminée

'Description de l''enchère'

Location: These Items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and Securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Prime d'acheteur

'La prime d''acheteur sera fixée à 16.00%.'


'La taxe sur la valeur ajoutée s''élèvera à 20.00%.'

Temps de consultation

Viewing is available by appointment only with the Auctioneer.
Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com

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* Remarque : Toute traduction effectuée à l'aide de Google Traduction n'est pas garantie en tant que traduction exacte et n'est fournie qu'à titre indicatif. La description du lot en anglais est la description prédominante et bénéficie de la meilleure connaissance du commissaire-priseur. Cependant, l'exactitude n'est pas garantie et doit être vérifiée par l'acheteur avant d'enchérir.

Avis aux acheteurs

Date limite de paiement

2017-04-18 17:00:00.0

'Date limite d''apurement'

2017-04-27 17:00:00.0

'Agents d''expédition'

Sous-traitants pour le stockage

Exporter/Importer des détails du Royaume-Uni

Lots 11-20 de 61

Les enchères seront étendues sur des lots individuels si les enchères sont placées dans les 10 minutes suivant l'heure de fin de l'article.
Preview image
12 avr. 2017 16:10:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 48: Grinding Attachment

Grinding Attachment

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 16:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 49: Worthington Creyssenac Rollair 100V Compressor

Worthington Creyssenac Rollair 100V Compressor Type RLR100V, Working Pressure 10 Bar. S/No. AP1170440 (2012)

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 15:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 51: Various Pull Bolts and Retention Studs

Various Pull Bolts and Retention Studs

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 16:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 57: Hitachi Kodi HU-14 355mm, Cut off Machine

Hitachi Kodi HU-14 355mm, Cut off Machine, Wheel = 355 x 2.8 x 25.4mm, 4800m/min

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 16:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 58: Kemo CH-4132 Muttenz Grinding Attachment for Myford MG12

Kemo CH-4132 Muttenz Grinding Attachment for Myford MG12

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 15:50:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 59: Vem Motor Type BZFM 16

Vem Motor Type BZFM 16

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 15:20:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 62: Electronic Magnetic Chuck, 410mm x 620mm

Electronic Magnetic Chuck, 410mm x 620mm

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 16:00:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 63: (4) x Butler Bed Mill Extensions

(4) x Butler Bed Mill Extensions

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 15:40:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 64: Thick Turret Coin form 2.4mm, Thick Turret Lance & Form (Wilson Tool USA)

Thick Turret Coin form 2.4mm, Thick Turret Lance & Form (Wilson Tool USA)

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Preview image
12 avr. 2017 16:10:00 BST
Temps restant:
Enchère terminée
'Prime d''acheteur:'
Taux de TVA:

Lot 65: Lytton - Plain Boring Head, 12mm dia Tooling

Lytton - Plain Boring Head, 12mm dia Tooling

Please Note: These items are located in Birmingham and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser.

Injection Moulding
Rotational Moulding
