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Lots 111-120 de 219
Lot 284: Refrigerant Compressor
York International Refrigerant Compressor refrigerant chiller compressor with York ISN Recipak LCHHM-170AL50 control centre (Sn 6807) and Swep Ltd G85NT152 heat exchanger (Sn 092529 1992), Refrigerant R22. Disconnect pipework at first joint after heat exchanger , Serial No. B15993DXA17069H, (1992), Loc. Chiller house front of site
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 285: Refrigerant Compressor
York International Refrigerant Compressor refrigerant chiller compressor with York ISN Recipak LCHHM-170AL50 control centre (Sn 7194) and Swep Ltd G85NT152 heat exchanger (Sn 093080 1993), Refrigerant R22. Disconnect pipework at first joint after heat exchanger , Serial No. B16204DXA17069H, (1993), Loc. Chiller house front of site
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 286: Refrigerant Compressor
York International Refrigerant Compressor refrigerant chiller compressor with York ISN Recipak LCHHM-170AL50 control centre (Sn 8195) and Swep Ltd model 8 heat exchanger (Sn 950145 1993), Refrigerant R22. Disconnect pipework at first joint after heat exchanger , Serial No. B16731DXA17069H, (1993), Loc. Chiller house front of site
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 287: Refrigerant Compressor
York International Refrigerant Compressor refrigerant chiller compressor with York ISN Recipak LCHHM-170AL50 control centre (Sn 8194) and Swep Ltd model 685 heat exchanger (Sn 850144 1993), Refrigerant R22. Disconnect pipework at first joint after heat exchanger , Serial No. B16734DXA17069H, (1993), Loc. Chiller house front of site
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 288: Refrigerant Compressor
York International Refrigerant Compressor refrigerant chiller rotary screw compressor, 4500 rpm, design pressure 300psi, with York ISN CodePak Y5 DBCB S3 5CGB control centre (Sn 11215) including pumps, Refrigerant R22. Disconnect pipework at first joint after pumps. , Serial No. YCCH193L2379YD, Loc. Chiller house front of site
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 289: Refrigerant Compressor
York International Refrigerant Compressor refrigerant chiller rotary screw compressor, 4500 rpm, design pressure 300psi, with York ISN CodePak Y5 DBCB S3 5CGB control centre (Sn 13901) including pumps, Refrigerant R22. Disconnect pipework at first joint after pumps. , Serial No. YCCH193L3243YD, (1996), Loc. Chiller house front of site
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 290: Chiller Coolant Tank
(2) York Chiller Coolant Tank Chiller liquid bulk storage tanks, pumps and associated pipework. Refrigerant R22. , Loc. Chiller house front of site
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 292: Bulk Storage Material
75 Ton Capacity' Bulk Storage Material Silo aluminium bulk product storage silo. Size approx 13m high x 4m dia with cone bottom, discharge gate and blower unit. No ladder access. , Loc. rear of site near compressor house
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 293: Bulk Storage Material
75 Ton Capacity' Bulk Storage Material Silo aluminium bulk product storage silo. Size approx 13m high x 4m dia with cone bottom, discharge gate. No ladder access. , Loc. rear of site near compressor house
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet
Lot 294: Bulk Storage Material
75 Ton Capacity' Bulk Storage Material Silo aluminium bulk product storage silo. Size approx 13m high x 4m dia with cone bottom, discharge gate and blower unit and ladder access. , Loc. rear of site near compressor house
Please Note: This Item is located in Sherburn, Elmet