2703 - Balancing Machines, CNC & Conventional Equipment no longer required due to restructuring and retirement at University Department, Electronic Balancing Services & W&W Engineering Ltd
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Please Note: The majority of these lots are located in Essex. Please see individual lots for loading information.
Lot Numbers: 9, 10 & 11 are located in Southend on Sea. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities available on site, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser.
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A los compradores Premium se les cobrará un 16.00%.
El IVA ascenderá a un 20.00%.
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Viewing will be available by appointment only with the Auctioneer. Please contact our Office on: +44 (0) 121 328 2424 or email us at: info@cottandco.com
* Tenga en cuenta: - Cualquier traducción mediante Google Translate no está garantizada como una traducción precisa y es solo para fines de guía. La descripción del lote en inglés es la descripción predominante y se le da el mejor conocimiento del subastador. Sin embargo, la precisión no está garantizada y el comprador debe verificarla antes de hacer una oferta.
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Lotes 1-10 de 103
Lote 1: Schenck VE3 Balancing Machine
Schenck VE3 Balancing Machine with CAB 700 Control, Erlo all Geared Head Drilling Machine, Workpiece weight: 100kgs, Workpiece diameter: 810mm (2010)
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 2: Schenck Nagahama 120 CBAD Balancing Machine
Schenck Nagahama 120 CBAD Balancing Machine with CAB 641 Control, Workpiece weight 15kgs, 350mm Workpiece diameter. S/No. 49-0001 (1998)
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 3: Froude Consine Engine Dynamometer Dyno F24
Froude Consine Engine Dynamometer Dyno F24, un-used since being reconditioned by Froude, 1000bhp, 6000-9000rpm, Peak Torque 2700Nm with a load cell for torque measurement and speed pick up, S/No. DYNO1065 un-used since reconditioning by manufacturers
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 4: Gate Eclipse CNC Milling Machine
Gate Eclipse CNC Milling Machine with Anilam 5000M 3-Axis Control, Power Drawbar, R8, Table Size: 1067 x 230mm (2005)
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 5: Gate PBM2000 Turret Mill
Gate PBM2000 Turret Mill, Table Size: 1067 x 230mm, R8, Digital Readout Interlocking Guards, Power Feeds on 2 Axis, Power Drawbar (2006)
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 6: Gate 360E Gap Bed Lathe
Gate 360E Gap Bed Lathe with 2-Axis D.R.O, 360mm Swing, Gap Bed x 1000mm between Centres .82-1400rpm, 3 Jaw , 4 Jaw, Faceplate, Toolpost and Holders, Tools, Guarding (2006)
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 7: Gate PBM1000 Turret Mill
Gate PBM1000 Turret Mill, Table Size: 1067 x 230mm, R8, Digital Readout Interlocking Guards, Power Feeds (2006)
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 8: Gate PBM1000 Turret Mill
Gate PBM1000 Turret Mill, Table Size: 1067 x 230mm, R8, Digital Readout Interlocking Guards, Power Feeds (2006)
Please Note: This lot is located in Essex and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle at the buyers risk. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 9: Cincinnati Arrow 750 Vertical Machining Centre
Cincinnati Arrow 750 Vertical Machining Centre with Accramatic 2100 Control, Traverses: 762 x 510 x 510mm, 40 Taper, 60-6000rpm, Manuals, Collets and Tooling. S/No. 7043a00rd0651 (1996)
Please Note: This lot is located in Southend on Sea. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available, blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Lote 10: Cincinnati Falcon 200 CNC Lathe
Cincinnati Falcon 200 CNC Lathe with Accramatic 2100 Control, 200mm Chuck, Tailstock, 215mm -x .z 420mm, 12 position, 4500rpm, 67mm spindle, Tooling and Manuals S/No. 7048AOARM810 (1997)
Please Note: This lot is located in Southend on Sea. Unfortunately there are no loading facilities available, blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.