2412 - Engineering and Fabrication Machinery Formerly Used by Anlyn Engineering Limited
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Location:- These Items are located in Cannock, Cheshire, Sheffield and West Midlands
Please Note: Lot 2B Leadwell V-40L Vertical Machining Centre must be collected on Friday 7th Aug 2015
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Lotes 31-40 de 65

Lote 28: LeBlond C-40 Tilt Head Tool & Cutter Grinder
LeBlond C-40 Tilt Head Tool & Cutter Grinder
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Lote 29: JB Engineering Model SL2 Moulding Machine
JB Engineering Model SL2 Moulding Machine
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Lote 30: ACT Model PACM 250 A Single Axis Automatic High Precision Abrasive Cutting Machine
ACT Model PACM 250 A Single Axis Automatic High Precision Abrasive Cutting Machine, With X, Y and Z Movements. (250x155x100mm)
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Lote 31: KRV 3000 Turret Milling Machine
KRV 3000 Turret Milling Machine, Table Size 54" x 12", Spindle Taper 40INT, Variable Spindle Speeds.
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Lote 32: Europa Milltech 1500 VS Turret Milling Machine
Europa Milltech 1500 VS Turret Milling Machine, Table Size 49" x 9", X Travel 32", Y Travel 11 1/2", Z Travel 16", Spindle Taper R8, Spindle Speeds 60-4200 rpm, Swivel & Tilt Head. Power Feed to Spindle, 6" Riser Block, Newall 2 Axis Digital Read Out, Quillstar Digital Depth Counter, Coolant & Light
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Lote 33: Cincinnati No.2MI Universal Milling Machine
Cincinnati No.2MI Universal Milling Machine, Table Size 53" x 10". 40 ISO Vertical Head, Spindle Taper 50 ISO, Speeds 25 - 1500rpm, Swivel Table, Power Feeds All Ways, Arbors and Supports.
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser

Lote 34: Cincinnati Toolmaster Turret Milling Machine
Cincinnati Toolmaster Turret Milling Machine, Table Size 43" x 12", Spindle Taper 40INT, Variable Spindle Speeds.
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lote 35: Dufour Type 223 Horizontal Milling Machine
Dufour Type 223 Horizontal Milling Machine, Table 1015mm x 320mm x Traverse 900mm. 40 INT Taper, Speeds 24 to 1500 rpm
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lote 36: Adcock & Shipley Type 1ES Auto Cycle Milling Machine
Adcock & Shipley Type 1ES Auto Cycle Milling Machine, Table Size 26 1/2" x 7", Long Travers 10"
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser
Lote 37: Kearney & Trecker 7.1/2H - No.3 Model CE Universal Milling Machine
Kearney & Trecker 7.1/2H - No.3 Model CE Universal Milling Machine, Table Size 67" x 15", Spindle Taper 50INT, Spindle Speeds 25-1300rpm
Please Note: This Item is located in Cheshire and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing however will be at the cost of the purchaser