3139 - Agie Charmilles Mikron HPM 450U Multi-Pallet Machining Centres, Haas Minimill/VF2/VF3/VF4 Machining Centres, Paint Booths, Compressors and More, formerly used by Innova Design & Build
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Please Note: These lots are located in Hampshire, UK except for Lot 5 which is located in Birmingham, UK. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to Export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods and the paperwork which will require UK Export Customs Declarations. This process is now a mandatory UK export requirement from 1st January 2021. All our invoices are issued on an Incoterms EXW (Ex Works) basis.
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Buyer's Premium will be charged at 18.00%.
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Lots 1-10 of 59

Lot 1: Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis Machining Centre
Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis CNC Machining Centre. Heidenhain, TNC 530 One Control System 3R Work Partner 1+ Pallet and Electrode Handling System to Incorporate 15 Pallet Machine, 8 X System 3R Table Bed Pallets, 7 X Lang Quick Point 45400 Plates, 2 X Lang Makro Grip 47205 Machine Vices, Table Loader (10 x 5 Pallet), 115 Position Electrode Holder, Pendant Set Up Control, 220 Tool ATC with HSK63 Spindle Tooling, 450mm Diameter Work Table, Steptec 20,000 rpm Spindle, Knoll Swarf Conveyor, Knoll Coolant System with Paper Clarifier, Burn Chiller Unit, Reven Oil Mist Filter. S/No (10/2014) Country of Origin: USA
Due to export license restrictions imposed by HMRC of multi-axis CNC Machine Tools from the UK to Turkey, ...

Lot 2: Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis CNC Machining Centre
Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis Machining Centre with Heidenhain iTNC-530 Control, 450mm Diameter Work Table, 7 Pallet Workpiece Auto Loader Fitted with System 3R Bed Plates with Lang Machine Vices, 7 X Lang Makro Grip 47205 Machine Vices, 7 X Lang Quick Point 454300 Plates, 120 Tool ATC with HSK63 Spindle Tooling, Knoll Swan Neck Swarf Conveyor, Aro Coolant System with Paper Clarifier, Burn Chiller Unit, Steptec 20,000 rpm Spindle, Reven Oil Mist Filter Unit. S/No (06/2012) Country of Origin: Switzerland
Due to export license restrictions imposed by HMRC of multi-axis CNC Machine Tools from the UK to Turkey, we regrettably advise that we cannot accept bids on such items from buyers in Turkey. We apologise for ...

Lot 3: Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis Machining Centre
Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis CNC Machining Centre with Heidenhain iTNC-530 CNC Control, 7 Pallet Work Table Changer with System 3R and Lang Bed Plates, 7 X Lang Quick Point 45400 Plates on System 3R Base, 1 X Lang Makro Grip 47205 Machine Vice, 120 Tool ATC with HSK 63 Spindle Tooling, Steptec 20,000 rpm Spindle, Knoll Swan Neck Swarf Conveyor, Coolant System with Paper Clarifier, Burn Chiller Unit, Reven Oil Mist Filter. S/No (06/12). Country of Origin: Switzerland
Due to export license restrictions imposed by HMRC of multi-axis CNC Machine Tools from the UK to Turkey, we regrettably advise that we cannot accept bids on such items from buyers in Turkey. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please Note: ...

Lot 4: Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis CNC Machining Centre
Mikron HPM 450U 5-Axis Machining Centre with Heidenhain iTNC-530 CNC Control, 7 Pallet Work Table Changer Fitted with Lang Bed Plates, 7 X Lang Quick Point 45400 Plates, 1 X Lang Makro Grip 47205 Machine Vice, 120 Tool ATC with HSK 63 Spindle Tooling, Steptec 20,000 rpm Spindle, Knoll Swan Neck Swarf Conveyor, Coolant System with Paper Clarifier, Burn Chiller Unit, Reven Oil Mist Fitter. S/No (06/2012), Country of Origin: Switzerland
Due to export license restrictions imposed by HMRC of multi-axis CNC Machine Tools from the UK to Turkey, we regrettably advise that we cannot accept bids on such items from buyers in Turkey. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hampshire, ...

Lot 5: Doosan Lynx 220LYC Horizontal Lathe
Doosan Lynx 220LYC Horizontal Lathe, S/No. ML0270-000127 (2014) with Doosan-Fanuc i-Series Control, 12 Station Turret, Parts Catcher, Mills CNC Turbo HB Swarf Conveyor, S/No. 14575000168 and Chip Skip, all Controls, Attachments, Change Parts and Tooling for the Machine. Country of Origin: Korea
Please Note: This Lot is located in Birmingham, UK. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods and the paperwork ...

Lot 6: Haas VF-3 55 CNC Machining Centre
Haas VF-3 55 CNC Machining Centre with Haas Control, Table Size 1220mm x 470mm, 40 Tool ATC, BT40 Spindle Tooling, Renishaw Tooling Probe. S/No. 1089125 (09/2011). Country of Origin: USA
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hampshire, UK. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods and the paperwork which will require UK Export Customs Declarations. This process is now a mandatory UK export requirement from ...

Lot 7: Haas Super Mini Mill 2, 4 Axis CNC Machining Centre
Haas Super Mini Mill 4 Axis CNC Machining Centre with Haas CNC Control and Haas 4th Axis Unit, 24 Tool ATC with BT40 Tooling, BT40 Spindle Taper, Table Size 1010mm x 355mm, Lang Fixtures Fitted to Machine Vice and 4th Axis. S/No. 1075399 (11/2009). Country of Origin: USA
Due to export license restrictions imposed by HMRC of multi-axis CNC Machine Tools from the UK to Turkey, we regrettably advise that we cannot accept bids on such items from buyers in Turkey. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hampshire, UK. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/any tooling is being offered as specifically described. ...

Lot 8: Haas Super Mini Mill CNC Machining Centre
Haas Super Mini Mill CNC Machining Centre with Haas CNC Control, Table Size 730mm x 305mm, 10 Tool ATC with BT40 Spindle Tooling, 6" Machine Vice. S/No 1053844 (11/2006) Country of Origin: USA
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hampshire, UK. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods and the paperwork which will require UK Export Customs Declarations. This process is now a mandatory UK export requirement ...

Lot 9: Haas VF-2 CNC Machining Centre
Haas VF 2 CNC Machining Centre with Haas CNC Control, Spindle Speeds to 12,000 rpm, High Speed 24 Tool ATC with BT40 Spindle Tooling, Table Size 915mm x 355 mm, Fitted with 2 X 6" Machine Vices. S/No. 1073268 (02/2009). Country of Origin: USA
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hampshire, UK. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods and the paperwork which will require UK Export Customs Declarations. This ...

Lot 10: Haas Super VF- 2 SSCE CNC Machining Centre
Haas Super VF2 SSCE CNC Machining Centre with Haas CNC Control, Table Size 915mm x 355mm, Spindle Speeds to 12,000 rpm, Feeds 1400 rpm, High Speed 24 Tool ATC with BT40 Tooling, 2 X 6" Machine Vices. All Controls, Attachments, Change Parts and Tooling for the Machine. S/No 1058945 (06/2007) Country of Origin: USA
Please Note: This Lot is located in Hampshire, UK. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods ...