2885 - Britvic Soft Drinks - Various Capacity Tanks, Water Vessels, GEA Heat Exchanger, Pursep Pureflow De-earation, Rannie Blue Homogenisers, Grundfos Boiler Pumps, SDMO Generator, HSM Baling Presses, Pursep Water Treatment System
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Location: These lots are located in Norwich, United Kingdom
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Lots 1-10 of 66
Lot 29: Markem CimJet Series 300 Labeller
Markem CimJet Series 300 Labeller. S/No. GD-10-33-7-406
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 115: KRONES Volumetric 100 Valve Filler
KRONES Volumetric 100 Valve Filler with Zalkin 12-Head Capper, Hopper, Associated Skid with Control Valves, Pumps and Filter
Please Note: This item is for spares and repairs, sold as is
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 148: Krones Filler / Capper
Krones Volumetric 77 Valve Filler with Zalkin 12 Head Capper, Associated Skid with Control valves, Pumps and Filters
Please Note: This item is for spares and repairs, sold as is
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 153: Markem Cimjet Series 300 Labeller
Markem Cimjet Series 300 Labeller. S/No. 03-C3D- 198 (2003)
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 164: Juice Pumping station
Juice Pumping station with B50 28-SA-BB-ETE 20 Diaphragm Pump, ALPHA LAVAL LKM 25/180 SSS 5.5KW Centrifugal Pump. S/N 004411, filter housing, flow plate, Pump lance, control valves
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 166: Pasilac Silkeborg 7342 Tank
Pasilac Silkeborg 7342 Tank 1500 Ltr. 316 Stainless Steel single skin vessel on legs, 2 inch bottom outlet, triple probe point to side, top manway. S/No. 50106/09
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 189: Flow Plate
Flow Plate 6 port flow plate with 3 sensor points, 2 inch inlet/outlet, includes 2 x DPL valves, pipework not included and will be disconnected at nearest flange or weld
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 226: Pall Filter Housing
Pall Filter Housing EX Rated, 34:Ltr capacity, -1/10Bar, -10/.140 degrees Celsius, pressure display Model SASE038G36JFB (2004)
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom
Lot 241: Puma PVT 40/3 Water Vessel
Puma PVT 40/3 Water Vessel 40,000 Ltr Fibreglass water vessel
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom.
Lot 253: IDC / Sinclair Trisodium Citrate Tank
IDC / Sinclair Trisodium Citrate Tank 3,000 Ltr 316 Stainless Steel single skin tank, 3 inch bottom outlet, bottom manway, inspection window, probe & sample ports
Please Note: This lot is located in Norwich, United Kingdom.