Przedmiot 358A: Nine trolleys of bore skiving and roller burnishing heads
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Nine trolleys of bore skiving and roller burnishing heads
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 130mm and 110mm Dia and
trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 5.0"" and 5.25"" Dia and
trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 6.25"" and 120mm Dia and
trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 6.0"" and 110mm Dia and
trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing head with sleeves 170mm Dia and trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 180mm and 190mm Dia and
trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 125mm and 160mm Dia and
trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 150mm and 6.5"" Dia and
trolley stand
Bore skiving and roller burnishing heads Bore skiving and roller
burnishing heads (Qty 2) with sleeves, 170mm and 7.0"" Dia and
trolley stand
Lot is sold subject to seller's final approval. Confirmation is given within 48 hours of the close of the event.
Please Note: This lot is located in Italy. Unfortunately, there are no loading facilities available on-site dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Premia kupującego
Premia kupującego zostanie naliczona w wysokości 18.00%.
Stawka VAT wynosi 22.00 %.
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* Uwaga: tłumaczenie przy użyciu Google Translate nie jest gwarantowane jako pewne i może być użyte tylko w celach orientacyjnych. Opis produktu w języku angielskim jest nadrzędny i jest najdokładniejszym opisem posiadanym przez aukcjonera. Niemniej jednak, prawidłowość nie jest gwarantowana i powinna zostać zweryfikowana przez kupującego przed złożeniem oferty.