Lotto 36: Gate Profitdrill PD-1B Bench Drill
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Gate Profitdrill PD-1B Bench Drill, Max. Drilling Capacity: 16mm dia, MT2 Spindle Taper, Spindle Travel: 80mm, Working Diameter: 360mm, Spindle Speeds: 190 - 2,600rpm, 80mm dia of Column, Table Size: 300 x 300mm, Spindle Table: 420mm, Spindle Base: 650mm, 1/2 HP Motor
This is New Machine - The recommended list price for this item is £1,250
Please Note: This Item is located in Watford, UK
A dismantling and loading onto suitable vehicle charge of £30 will be automatically added to your invoice should you be successful in purchasing this item. This Item would be loaded with Fork Lift onto lorry - Machine on base.
With the purchase of this machine you would be entitled
to 12 months warranty, Parts only.
Gate Machinery International Ltd reserves the right to
cancel the machine warranty or refuse to carry out remedial work
if, in their opinion, the fault arises from anything other than ‘
manufacturing defects’ or ‘normal operating conditions’ Please
visit for further
Premio dell'acquirente
Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 16.00%.
IVA applicata pari al 20.00%.
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Informazioni aggiuntive
* Nota Bene: - Qualsiasi traduzione uttilizzando ''Google Translate'' non è garantita come una traduzione accurata ed è solo a scopo di guida. La descrizione principale del lotto è in inglese ed e data a migliore conoscenza del banditore. Tuttavia, la precisione non è garantita e deve essere verificata dall'acquirente prima di fare offerte.