Lotto * : Combination of lots 2A, 2B, 2C & 2D
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60 Ton Platt/Mair Bar Draw Bench, Single Chain, Single, Double & Triple Draw; Built-In Mair Push Pointer, Max. Length of Draw 9m; Main DC Motor 315 Kw, 500 Volt, 1460/1611RPM, Max Draw Diameter 4” Round, Spare Die Blocks, Spare Carriage-single and triple draw; Feed Table, Exit Transfer Conveyor, In-Line 4-Saw Mair Indexing Cut-to-Length System and accumulation table (1989), Tilghman Wheelabrator Through-Feed Shot Blast Chamber (1995), (4) Wheel 11kW Motors, Shot Blast Cabinet with Entry and Exit Skewed 48” Roller Conveyor for 2 bar handling, Dust Collector, Operator Control Panel, Infeed/Outfeed Transfer Tables, Bronx Model PBRV 6, 2 Roll/Twin Motor Bar Straightener (2 x Sets Spare Rolls), Capacity 4” Dia Round MS, 3” Dia Hexagonal SS, Rolls 18” Dia x 26” Length; (2) 59.7Kw Motors; Spare Roll; Entry& Exit Protective Heavy Duty Tables, Transfer Conveyors, Spare Carriages & Tooling
Please Note: This lot is located in Willenhall, UK. There are no loading facilities onsite, dismantling and loading will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Lotti compresi in questa combinazione
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Il premio dell'acquirente verrà addebitato a 18%.
IVA applicata pari al 20%.
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Informazioni aggiuntive
* Nota Bene: - Qualsiasi traduzione uttilizzando ''Google Translate'' non è garantita come una traduzione accurata ed è solo a scopo di guida. La descrizione principale del lotto è in inglese ed e data a migliore conoscenza del banditore. Tuttavia, la precisione non è garantita e deve essere verificata dall'acquirente prima di fare offerte.