Lot *: Combination of lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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'Description de l''élément'
Combination of lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Lot 5 - Vastex Int VDC-253624-EU Dri-Vault Screen Drying Cabinet. S/No. VTX-027750 (2020). Country of Origin: U.S.A.
Lot 6 - Vastex Int VDC-253624-EU Dri-Vault Screen Drying Cabinet. S/No. VTX-027749 (2020). Country of Origin: U.S.A.
Lot 7 - M & R Printing Equipment, Red Chilli Flash Cure Dryer, Model Type RED2024B335. S/No. 383555906R (2021). Country of Origin: U.S.A.
Lot 8 - M & R Printing Equipment, Red Chilli Flash Cure Dryer, Model Type RED2024B335. S/No. 473575933R (2021). Country of Origin: U.S.A.
Lot 9 - Lotus Holland Evo Compact Screen Print Reclaiming System, Including Back Lite Drip Dry Catch Screen. S/No. 175242316. (2021). Country of Origin: Netherlands
Lot 10 - (16) x 24 Shelf Screen Print Trolley, Shelf Size 915mm x 600mm x 55mm. Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Please note: Vendor to accept and approve all closing bids on this item.
Please Note: This lot is located in Birmingham, UK. A charge of £360 for dismantling and loading onto suitable transport will be automatically added to your invoice should you be successful in purchasing this item. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to Export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods and the paperwork which will require UK Export Customs Declarations. This process is now a mandatory UK export requirement from 1st January 2021. All our invoices are issued on an Incoterms EXW (Ex Works) basis.
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* Remarque : Toute traduction effectuée à l'aide de Google Traduction n'est pas garantie en tant que traduction exacte et n'est fournie qu'à titre indicatif. La description du lot en anglais est la description prédominante et bénéficie de la meilleure connaissance du commissaire-priseur. Cependant, l'exactitude n'est pas garantie et doit être vérifiée par l'acheteur avant d'enchérir.