2828D - Britvic Soft Drinks: Trucks, Cabinets, Work Benches, Office Furniture and General Factory Equipment
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Sous-traitants pour le stockage
Exporter/Importer des détails du Royaume-Uni
Lots 141-150 de 160
Lot 854: Pasilac 6 Port Aspartame T121-23 steel flow plat
Pasilac 6 Port Aspartame T121-23 steel flow plate with sensor points
Lot 855: Pasilac 10 Port T101 Aces K stainless steel flow plate
Pasilac 10 Port T101 Aces K stainless steel flow plate with sensor points
Lot 856: Pasilac 6 Port Barley starch stainless steel flow plate
Pasilac 6 Port Barley starch stainless steel flow plate with sensor points
Lot 857: Envirogen PH water balancing system
Envirogen PH water balancing system, 20 ft. insulated container housing 4 Prominent Sigma S2CB Dosing stations, 2 Statiflo motionless mixer, 2 x Packo MCP2/65-125/1102 CENTRIFUGAL UPS, Flow meters, control valves, control panel with Allen Bradley Panelview plus 100. Forbes Hydrochloric acid bund tank serial no. 08133 & 08132, Forbes Sodium Hydroxide bund tank serial no 08131 / 08130, Forbes feed tank serial no. 08134
Lot 858: Forbes 2014 caustic tank
Forbes 2014 caustic tank, design temp 50 degrees Celsius, 75,000 litres, 2500kgs weight empty, serial no T-60-01-02
Lot 859: Forbes 2014 caustic tank
Forbes 2014 caustic tank, design temp 50 degrees Celsius, 75,000 litres, 2500kgs weight empty, serial no T-60-01-02
Lot 860: Nobel Systems Stainless Steel hopper
Nobel Systems Stainless Steel hopper with load cells, control panel, Spiroflow flexible screw conveyor approx. 4m length
Lot 861: Simon-Silotec Qty 2 Stainless Steel screw conveyors
Simon-Silotec Qty 2 Stainless Steel screw conveyors, approx. 4m length per screw, with motor drive and inspection hatch
Lot 862: Simon-Silotec Qty 2 Stainless Steel screw conveyors,
Simon-Silotec Qty 2 Stainless Steel screw conveyors, approx. 2.7m length per screw, with motor drive, rotary valve and 3 metres of stainless outfeed pipe per screw
Lot 863: Scissors lift platform
Scissors lift platform Electric scissors lift table for bulk ingredients handling