3376 - Cyber-Weld Robotic Welding System & EFD Weldac 04 50/300kHZ Solid State Induction Welder (2022)
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Please Note: These lots are located in Birmingham, UK. Please see individual lot for loading information and charges. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
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Featured lots
Cyber – Weld Robotic Welding System Fanuc CRX-25iA Robot
EFD Weldac 04 50/300kHZ Solid State Induction Welder (2022)
Cyber – Weld Robotic Welding System Fanuc CRX-25iA Robot
EFD Weldac 04 50/300kHZ Solid State Induction Welder (2022)
Cyber – Weld Robotic Welding System Fanuc CRX-25iA Robot
EFD Weldac 04 50/300kHZ Solid State Induction Welder (2022)
Cyber – Weld Robotic Welding System Fanuc CRX-25iA Robot
EFD Weldac 04 50/300kHZ Solid State Induction Welder (2022)
Lots 1-2 of 2

Lot 1: Cyber – Weld Robotic Welding System Fanuc CRX-25iA Robot
Cyber – Weld Robotic Welding System Fanuc CRX-25iA Robot with 1.89m Radial Reach, Type AO5B-1704-B201. S/No. R22901334 (2022) with Fanuc R-30iB Mini Plus Control, Type AO5B-2696-B002. S/No. E22932966 (2022), Samsung Tablet Control, Kemppi A7 Pulse Water Cooled 350 Power Source, Binzel 500A Water Cooler Torch with Keyence IL Intelligent – L Laser Sensor Spot Laser, Wire Cutter with Finger Protection, Binzel ABIROB A and ABIROB W Alignment Jigs. All mounted on Mobile Frame Robot Trolley with Gas Mount, Wire Carrier and Power Distribution Box. Total Weight 420kg. S/No. CRXT 22003 (2023)
Please Note: This lot is located in Birmingham, UK.
All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: ...

Lot 2: EFD Weldac 04 50/300kHZ Solid State Induction Welder (2022)
EFD Weldac 04 50/300kHZ Solid State Induction Welder., Input: 3 x 550V 72V, Output: 520v 2080v 50kw. S/No. NO-22-08-17547 (2022)
Please Note: This lot is located in Birmingham, UK. A charge of £200 for dismantling and loading onto suitable transport will be automatically added to your invoice should you be successful in purchasing this item. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser. All/Any tooling is being offered as specifically described.
Please Note: Should you be successful in purchasing an item and wish to Export it from the UK, a charge of £55 plus VAT will be automatically added to your invoice to prepare the goods and the paperwork which will require UK Export Customs Declarations. This process ...