Los 16: Davis-Standard DC-16
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Davis-Standard DC-16, 16” Dual Drum Capstan to Provide Non-Slip Pulling of Small to Intermediate Diameter Wire. Stainless Steel Bi-Fold Doors on the Front of the Housing Provide Easy Access for Thread-Up. The Two, 16” (406 Mm) Diameter Capstan Drums are Fabricated from SS 410, (5) Grooves for Maximum Cable Diameter 0.37” (9.40MM) And Are Mounted on Self-Aligning, Ball Bearing Pillow Blocks with Adjustment for Tilting the Drums to Provide a Scuff-Free Wire Path. The Root Diameter of The Drums Is Machined Within +/- 0.001” TIR. The Drum Shafts Are Coupled By “V”-Belts to Prevent Wire Stretching During Rapid Speed Changes. SO/No. 85945, S/No. BX065
Please Note: this lot is located in Swindon and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Blocking and securing will be at the cost of the purchaser.
Es gilt ein Aufgeld von 18.00 %.
Zzgl. Mehrwertsteuer in Höhe von 20.00 %.
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